Geneva April 25, 2016
1. Brief description of the emergency and impact
The plight of Palestinians continues, the combination of the three recent wars among the previous 6 years, insecurity, political instability, political divisions, tight blockade, economic hardships and increasing poverty in the Gaza Strip continues to have a negative impact on the health, wellbeing and economic situation of Palestinians. The blockade policy enforced in 2007 has greatly impeded economic development in the Gaza Strip. The fragile humanitarian situation prevailing in the Gaza Strip following the summer 2014 war on Gaza in which more than 13,000 people were killed and/or injured deteriorated further since the end of the war. A key driver of deterioration is the slow progress in the reconstruction of homes, infrastructure and assets destroyed during the hostilities, compounded by limited available resources and efforts to restore the destroyed livelihood opportunities, as well as the devastating impact of the exposure to conflict-related violence in Gaza on the psychosocial well-being of children, adolescents and families.